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What if a transaction enables you to up- and cross sell, create new customer data sets, service (broken) products and comply with EU regulation? Well...
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5% increase in customer retention can lead to a profit boost of up to 95%
Fryda's smart receipt
Turning transactions into a smart receipt, enabling you to send more targeted CRM campaigns, access new customer base data, repair & service products and comply with EU regulation
Target specific products
We turn your CRM efforts into a Swiss army knife, allowing you to send product specific offers, ensuring that your customers only see, store and use relevant offers when it suits them
Unlock second-hand market
The second hand market is growing exponentially, and we help you gain access to all the subsequent owners of that 1 sold product. Helping you turning 1 sold product into endless opportunities  
Service, repair & comply
Sustainability is part of our core, we make it easier for consumers and businesses to service & repair products, extending PLC's and even access EU required Digital Product Passports
Get more out of your sold products.
One click away.
Easy integration
Maximize sales funnel
Improve sustainability
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How Fryda works
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Sustainability with Fryda and KTH

Takes around 5 minutes

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Is the Fryda app available for Android?
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Is the Fryda app available for Android?
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Is the Fryda app available for Android?
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